Land Art
Wikipedia docet
dicasi Land Art…
dicasi Land Art…
quella forma d'arte contemporanea sorta negli Stati Uniti
d'America tra il 1967 e il 1968 caratterizzata dall'intervento diretto
dell'artista sul territorio naturale, specie negli spazi incontaminati come
deserti, laghi salati, praterie, ecc.
docet J
Land Art is…
Land Art is…
art, Earthworks (coined by Robert Smithson), or Earth art is an art movement in
which landscape and the work of art are inextricably linked. It is also an art
form that is created in nature, using natural materials such as soil, rock (bed
rock, boulders, stones), organic media (logs, branches, leaves), and water with
introduced materials such as concrete, metal, asphalt, or mineral pigments.
Sculptures are not placed in the landscape, rather, the landscape is the means
of their creation. Often earth moving equipment is involved. The works
frequently exist in the open, located well away from civilization, left to
change and erode under natural conditions. Many of the first works, created in
the deserts of Nevada, New Mexico, Utah or Arizona were ephemeral in nature and
now only exist as video recordings or photographic documents. They also
pioneered a category of art called site-specific sculpture, designed for a
particular outdoor location
Arte Sella (Italiano)
Land Art (Italiano)
Land Art (English)
du Land Art (Français)
French Forest Sculptures (Français)
French Forest Sculptures (Français)
AININ Artists In Nature International Network
Il Cretto di Alberto Burri
La più grande opera di Land Art italiana (8.000 metri quadrati )
Nils Udo
Sonja Hinrichsen
Jim Denevan
Michaela Sorensen
Catherine Baas
Nick Pena
Sylvain Meyer
Cornelia Konrads
Zain Karsan
Kurt Fleckenstein
Walter Mason