Storia dell’Abbigliamento - The History of Clothing
sulla storia della Moda e del Costume.
Storia della moda occidentale, storia della calzatura, dall’Antico Egitto, Grecia, Roma, Medioevo, Rinascimento al 21esimo secolo, abbigliamento Etnico e Folk...
Gold and platinum Art Nouveau plaque-de-cou necklace from 1903 with an emerald and diamonds by Henri Dubret (1872-1947), Paris, France
Golden Spider Silk ("The Spidery": Nathalie Robert, Martin Rakotoarimanana and Antoine Rakotoarinala)
Videos, illustrated and detailed pages, Images of Fashion and Costume History. History of Western fashion, the history & Fashion of Shoes, ancient times from Egyptian, Greece, Rome, Middle Ages, Renaissance to 21ST Century, Ethinc/Folk Fashion...
Come immaginavano gli abiti del 2000 nel anni 30 - How they imagined the dresses of the 2000s in the 30s -
Ji Won Choi: modern Korean hanbok

Sandali-pantofola di seta ricamati, senza tacco, cuciti a mano, con suole in pelle scamosciata, solette in seta trapuntata e lacci in raso verde
Embroidered, heel-less, handstitched silk slipper-sandals, with suede soles, quilted silk insoles & green satin laces (Chester County Historical Society, 1805)
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