Storia dell’Abbigliamento - The History of Clothing

 Video, pagine illustrate e dettagliate, immagini
 sulla storia della Moda e del Costume.
Storia della moda occidentale,  storia della calzatura, dall’Antico Egitto, Grecia, Roma, Medioevo, Rinascimento al 21esimo secolo, abbigliamento  Etnico e Folk...

Videos, illustrated and detailed pages, Images of Fashion and Costume History. History of Western fashion, the history & Fashion of Shoes, ancient times from Egyptian, Greece, Rome, Middle Ages, Renaissance to 21ST Century, Ethinc/Folk Fashion...

Come immaginavano gli abiti del 2000 nel anni 30 -  How they imagined the dresses of the 2000s in the 30s -

.     60s


 Ji Won Choi: modern Korean hanbok


 Tradizionale Korean hanbok

  Elsa Schiaparelli

 Sonia Delaunay 1920s - 1930s


   Scrap Book Francy Dress

  1920s  Armenia
 Helen Williams  Dior by John Galliano

 Princesse Omoba Aina of West Africa

 Erte'   Innuit

 Javanese gold arm band - early 10th century AD

 Traditional Romani clothing

   Victorian Beachside Dress & Bathing Machines


   Talking Victoria Bouquet

    Men Wore Corset 

 Envening Dress (1910)   Hartnell 1953


 Mourning clothes worn by count Magnus Brahe at the funeral of king Karl XIV Johan of Sweden in 1844

 Germany or Italy, c.1550-1600

  Margaret Laton's Jacket c.1620
linen embroidered with silver & silver-gilt thread, coloured silks, sequins, bobbin lace & spangles

Emilie Flöge (1874-1955), pioneering Austrian designer and dress reformer, her dresses are often viewed on Gustav Klimt's Art

Emilie Flöge's dresses 

 Agnieszka Osipa (costume maker)

 Buttons: late 19th - early 20th centur

 Buttons: 1920-1930s

 George Folds - Dublino 1837 - Kildare Place National School

 Ñandutí - Traditional Paraguayan lace 

 1920s  1773 (Matthew Darly)
 1898: velvet, iridescent blue spot check, white lace trim

 Gold and platinum Art Nouveau plaque-de-cou necklace from 1903 with an emerald and diamonds by Henri Dubret (1872-1947), Paris, France

 Embroidery - 1830 

 Shaman of Bad Dürrenberg  8600-9000 Germany

 Bulgarian bride (1893)

 Embroidery (1760 Italy or England)

    Golden Spider Silk ("The Spidery": Nathalie Robert, Martin Rakotoarimanana and Antoine Rakotoarinala)

  Olga Orlova

 Palladium Dress - Gianfranco Ferré per Dior (1992)
 Albrecht Dürer: Donne nobili livone (1521)

 Bastone da passeggio -  Walking stick (19th)

Sandali-pantofola di seta ricamati, senza tacco, cuciti a mano, con suole in pelle scamosciata, solette in seta trapuntata e lacci in raso verde 

Embroidered, heel-less, handstitched silk slipper-sandals, with suede soles, quilted silk insoles & green satin laces (Chester County Historical Society, 1805)


 Vinaigrette: French, probably 18th century

  Vinaigrette: George III c.1900

 Actress Mary Brian so stylish in The 1920s






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