Pauline Boty

I suoi compagni di scuola la chiamavano "La Brigitte Bardot di Wimbledon"
Pauline Boty è stata l’unica esponente femminile della Pop Art Inglese.  
Vincitrice di una borsa di studio alla Wimbledon School of Art
diplomata in litografia e in Design in vetro colorato
Oltre che alla pittura si è dedicata anche al collage
ha scritto poesie è stata attrice, ballerina e cantante

Her schoolmates called her "The Wimbledon Bardot"
Pauline Boty has been the only female painter in the British Pop Art
Winner of a scholarship to the Wimbledon School of Art
graduated in lithography and design stained glass
In addition to painting is also dedicated to collage
she wrote poetry, and performed as an actress, singer and dancer


Troverete: informazioni, video, immagini
e 2 poesie dedicate a Pauline Boty ed a sua figlia

You will find: information, videos, images
and two poems dedicated to Pauline Boty and her daughter

Pauline Boty's Nightmare
"Pop Goes The Easel" BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Director: Ken Russell
Music: Delia Derbyshire
Pop Goes The Easel



Life and works, Early life and education, Career, Death, 
Exhibitions, Filmography, Bibliography, Links
Jez Winship (
Pauline Boty at the Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Gendering the field: 
Pauline Boty and the predicament of the woman artist in the British pop art movement. 
Sue Tate, PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.
Free download

Scandal 63

Pannello in vetro colorato - Stained glass panel  

Autoritratto, in vetro colorato - Self-portrait, stained glass panel 

Count Down to Violence


5  4  3  2  1

A Big Hand

It's a Man's World (1)


Pears Inventor

Monica Vitti with Heart

With Love to Jean Paul Belmondo

My Colouring Book


The Only Blonde in the World

Poetry - Poesia

Gone Ladies - for Pauline Boty

Poesia Poster di Christopher Logue
adattamento della "Ballata delle dame di un tempo che fu" di François Villon
grafica a cura di design Ian Cameron

Poster poem by Christopher Logue
adaptation of  François Villon’s "Ballade des dames du temps jadis"
design Ian Cameron

Especially when it snows - for Boty (Pauline Boty 's daughter)

Poesia di Adrian Mitchell dedicata alla figlia di Pauline Boty
 Adrian Mitchell's poetry dedicated to Pauline Boty's daughter

Especially when it snows
and every tree
has its dark arms and widespread hands
full of that shining angelfood

especially when it snows
and every footprint
makes a dark lake
among the frozen grass

especially when it snows darling
and tough little robins
beg for crumbs
at golden-spangled windows

ever since we said goodbye to you
in that memorial garden
where nothing grew
except the beautiful blank-eyed snow

and little Caitlin crouched to wave goodbye to you
down in the shadows

especially when it snows
and keeps on snowing

especially when it snows
and down the purple pathways of the sky
the planet staggers like King Lear
with his dead darling in his arms

especially when it snows
and keeps on snowing

...continua ...

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