Design e dintorni - Around Design

Architettura, arti decorative, arti applicate
ingegno, fantasia, creatività...

Architecture, decorative arts, applied arts
ingenuity, fantasy, creativity...


007 - Diamonds Are Forever (1971)

 Gabriella Crespi


Villa Arpel - Mon oncle (1958)

 Bollitore Bodum

Tom Dixon - Cappellini

 Ceramiche Pucci Umbertide


  Museum of the Future - Dubai

 Salvator Dalì

  Carlo De Carli

 Gérard Sandoz


 Metropolitana di Napoli

 Fernando Cassetta


 Ditte Vad & Julie Begtrup - Woud Design

   Paolo Portoghesi

 16th century - Musée National de la Renaissance Château d’Ecouen Photo Johan Oosterman


 Pierre Chareau

 150 year old corner piano


Miyake Design

 Schimmel Pegasus Grand Piano


Margarete Heymann, aka Grete Marks

 DML-Del Monaco Lorenzoni



 Marianne Brandt

 John Prizeman (1972)

Mario Barbaglia & Marco Colombo - Italiana Luce

 Citroen activa prototype 196768 automotix, in the style of 
Akira Toriyama


Telstar Predicta

 Peter Bang of Bang & Olufsen - Radio Phonograph (1934-35)


 Amaki sofa


 Space Age



 Sancaklar Mosque - Istanbul (Turkey)


   Bruno Gambone

 Andy Titcomb



Mario Botta - San Giovanni

 Jean Bad Moccasin - Lakota Sioux Nation


 Amey Kandalgaonkar

 Hotel Ryugyong. Pyongyang, Corée du Nord

  Tiébélé (Burkina Faso)

 Jeremias Ritter


 Angelo Invernizzi - Villa Girasole

 Hallgrimskirkja - Reykjavik (Iceland)

  Fassio-Viaud Architectes

 Cappella di SS. Madonna delle Grazie

  Julie Decubber

Elenoire Peduzzi Riva/Artemide - Spiros - (Italy, 60s)


Alma Buscher

 Luigi Vanvitelli -  Giardino violino - Reggia di Caserta
 Bertoncello Ceramiche

 Clarice Cliff

 Kuroi Hana

 Dwayne Douglas


Gravity Studio/Mohanad Albasha

 Paolo Soleri


Kengo Kuma & Associates - Sauna

 Harp Piano


 Cello "The King" - Andrea Amati - Cremona

 Bauhaus Tea Pot


1950's Kuba Comet Imperial Home Entertainment System

 Drinker's Chair 1890s

 Brooklyn Museum:multi-function chair/bed fifty positions, inspired by European military furniture used in the field

 Electrochef Model B-2 (1929)

  20th century - England

 Art Deco

Angelo Mangiarotti - lampada da tavolo Saffo/Artemide

 Fortunato Depero - Campari Soda (1932)


1960's Soviet Modular Plastic House

 Monsanto House

 Jean-François Auboiron & Pentacle - Villa La Baleine


 Farnsworth House


Post più popolari


Vimanika Shastra